Resources & links

Quick links for key organizations, documents and contact details

An independent group created by families to advocate for keeping our schools open and helping find creative solutions to address the budget deficit. We aim to engage the entire Wauwatosa community – families, residents, and business owners.  While many of our members are also members of school PTAs, we work closely but independently to allow the PTAs to continue with their important work.

Flyer #1 – Community Awareness Flyer

Wauwatosa School District

The Wauwatosa School District consists of 16 schools: 11 elementary, two middle schools, two high schools and the Wauwatosa Virtual Academy.

Tosa 2075 Task Force

Established by the Wauwatosa School District in 2023 the task force of community members, staff members and other stakeholders will bring forth recommendations for the School Board to consider. 


  • Timeline: The Board of Education will be making it’s final decision regarding the District’s path forward by August 2024.
  • Website homepage – includes meeting agendas, and notes from past meetings.
  • Submit your questions to the taskforce (see this web page to submit your question in the form).
  • Community Questions & Answers – view the community’s questions and the responses provided by District leaders.

Wisconsin Department of Public Infrastructure

The Department of Public Instruction is the state agency that advances public education and libraries in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin State Legislature

Schools PTA:

Wauwatosa schools PTA (parent teacher association) provide options for parents to team up with other parents to make a difference in their child’s school.

Jefferson Elementary School PTA

Washington Elementary School PTA

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